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40-60 Colt Lightning Ideal Combination Reloading Tool & Bullet Mold

This is a big Ideal combination tool for the Large Frame Pump Action Colt Lightning Rifle and the Marlin 1881 Rifle. It's marked "40-60M & COLT". Overall, it's in Very Good Condition with 40-50% of the original nickel remaining with the balance turned to a grey to brown patina. The mold has nice cavities and should cast good lead bullets. The reloading tool part has the bullet seater with pin hole for the decapping pin which is missing which is pretty much the rule as almost all were lost at some point. The other two sections are for seating the primer and swaging the bullets. Nice all in one tool that was made to compete against the Winchester 1876.

Item# 530




Antique Arms, Inc. | P.O. Box 2313 | Loganville, Georgia 30052-1947 | 678-471-1432 (m)