This is a really good looking copy of a Colt 3rd Model Dragoon imported by Western Arms of Santa Fe, New Mexico and manufactured by Uberti in 1978. The 3rd Model was basically the final version of the large Colt Dragoons that originated from the Colt Walker. The originals were made from 1851 to 1860. About 10,000 3rd Models were produced, with many shipping to the US Army for mounted units. Quite a few saw service in the West and later in the Civil War. While there were numerous importers of Uberti reproductions, Western Arms had a reputation for quality. I was told by someone who met Aldo Uberti 30+ years ago that they offered five levels of fit and finish to importers. No doubt, Western was buying these at one of the higher levels. As a kid in the 1980's, I remember the owner of the gun shop I used visit telling me that they were down to their last Western Arms Revolver, and 1861 Navy, that they were THE BEST. That said, while I've encountered a number of 1851's and quite a few 1862 Pockets with the Western markings, I seldom come across Western Arms Dragoons. Uberti did make a few Tucker and Sherrard Commemorative for Western which was basically the Confederate version of the 3rd Model Dragoon with different markings. Those I will occasionally encounter but not the Colt version. This one has fantastic special order silver plated trigger guard and backstrap just like the original civilian Colt dragoons had back in the 1850's. Very few makers of replicas offered silver plating but Western Arms which later became Allen Firearms were one of the few importers who did back in the late 70's and early 80's . It looks GREAT with the fire blued screws just like an original Colt from the 1850's. Caliber is .44 with 6-shot cylinder with roll engraved scene like the original and 7.5" half octagon barrel. 95% original finish overall. This one has been fired and handled over 45 years and is starting to take on the resemblance of a real Colt from back in the day. Grips have a few handling marks and scratches but solid. Nice screw heads. Nice bore and action. Antique Pre-1898 Antique Percussion Replica under Federal Law. Cannot be shipped to NJ, DC, Chicago, or NYC. Buyer must be 21 years old.
Item# 568