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Winchester 1887 Lever Action Shotgun

It's been several years since we've found a Winchester Model 1887 like this one! Its a standard Model 1887 in 12 Gauge with a 30" barrel, pistol grip stock, and checkered steel buttplate.  Serial number is in the 43,000 range which dates its production to the year 1892.  This gun has been well cared for still retaining much of its original finish and is in NRA Antique Fine+ condition.  The left side of the frame is marked with Winchester Repeating Arms Company monongram and shows 60% moderate to good strong original case case colors.  The right side of the frame has 40% discernable colors that are what we'd describe as light thinning colors with the balance faded to a nickelly silver. Breech and lower tang have most of their original case colors.  The barrel and the magazine tube have 70% thinning original blue.  Original bead front sight.  Excellent markings throughout including the Winchester address and 1886 patent dates.  The top of the barrel is marked "12" for the gauge.  Of course, this gun was designed for Black powder....and is not designed for modern smokeless loads.  Very Good screws overall.  The wood is in Excellent condition still showing most of its original oil finish with very little handling.  Perfect wood to metal fit!   Action works perfectly.  Good+ bore is still mostly bright with some light frosting and some scattered light pits.   

Typically when we find Model 1887's, they're almost always a dark patina showing  considerable usage.  If you've ever looked for a nice one, then you know how difficult it is to find one original case colors still on the frame.  I remember a few years ago, it used to seem like every one you found was solid brown and price almost exactly around $600-$700.  Well, now those same guns are bringing around $1200 as they seem to have fallen in favor with the Cowboy Action Shooters. Of the precious few high condition 1887's we've seen in the last couple of years with original case colors, they tend to be priced with $3500-5000+ price tags. Who wants to have to spend that kind of money to fill that elusive Model 1887 gap in their Winchester collection?  We think this gun is sort of the best of both worlds!  Its nice but its not TOO nice and you will still have enough money left over to go out and buy something else nice! It still has some good colors left on the frame and blue on the barrels but for about half price!

Item# 0393




Antique Arms, Inc. | P.O. Box 2313 | Loganville, Georgia 30052-1947 | 678-471-1432 (m)